Saturday, January 26, 2019


(Written Permission Pending)

Given the choice between other foods or chocolate, guess which wins. Over the course of 3 sabbatical-from-work years, I ate so much chocolate my body finally yelled "Stop!" but I kept on eating it; just less. 

Because chocolate is my addiction, I so wanted myself portrayed in this illustration, but for the wheelchair. "Janet" is the person who comes to mind. She is a giver and the most resilient person I know. She bounces back, no matter what. Janet is wife, proud mom of two grown and married children, grandma to 5 adorbs, volunteer at Safe-to-Sleep, Sunday school helper, animal-owner and lover, crafter, avid reader, friend to many, chocolate-lover, and 50+-year thriver.

At age 15, Janet survived a head-on car crash, hit by a drunk driver. She and her aunt were the only survivors of the car crash. Janet was left motherless, her cousin died, and Janet's legs were damaged. She is a paraplegic, and her wheelchair is her trusted friend.

Following that tragedy over 50 years ago, Janet could still be more than angry. But her grieving Daddy and other relatives stepped in. Their love and support helped her through the challenge of a lifetime. In my mind and others, Janet stands taller than any person we know. 

This could be fun-loving Janet & Hubby
But it isn't
Janet is loving. She and her one-and-only husband celebrate over 40 years of marriage together. They fight through daily and hourly physical and financial challenges (unfortunately, there were no accident lawyers nor lifetime settlements way-back-when), and they deeply care for each other. 

Janet would give hubby (or anyone) her last piece of chocolate, and hubby would do likewise. Is it any wonder her daughter is now a missionary overseas and her nearby son is the best-daddy-ever?

Janet models living and giving. She and her husband exemplify every angle and aspect of: The i Love You Project

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