Wednesday, January 30, 2019


(Written Permission Pending)

The Netflix show Tidying Up, with Marie Kondo, is all the rage. Her motto is: Keep things that bring you joy, and store items respectfully. If an item does not bring joy, say thank you, and then donate. 
!! Still too many sweaters !!
Kondo's tidy rule = order... it is working
For example, if a shirt is never worn, say: Thank you for teaching me what I don't like, and be specific (the shape, fit, color, etc.) 

Talking to clothing is a bit mystical, but the idea that a clothing item's purchase was not a total waste of money helps to let go. That shirt taught some sort of lesson.

Donations at Goodwill have significantly increased since the series' airing. America is decluttering and tidying up. This blogger's weakness leans toward owning too many clothing items. The more, the merrier, or so I thought. More wardrobe = more time spent each morning agonizing over an outfit decision. It is wasted time that could be spent fulfilling resolution #2. 
New Year's Resolutions

Important and most important. My 2019 New Year's Resolutions are written on two dominoes, offered to everyone at our church during the spot-on sermon series, Habits. 

Goodwill is thrilled about the declutter mindset, and so is Huggy. Decluttering works when I cull my things; when he feels motivated, he culls his items. Feeling a little less frustrated on my side of the clothes closet gives peace of mind and time for important things. Decluttering with the right mindset = i love you.

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