Friday, February 1, 2019

Scrambled Ground

(Written Permission Pending)

Obstacles are things that obstruct or hinder progress. For people who like to get from Point A to Point B fast, obstacles are more than scrambled ground, they are a nuisance. Barricades, barriers, impediments, handicaps, fences, flowing water, walls. When we face an obstacle, common feelings include frustration, anger, impatience. Who, for example, wants treacherous snow-filled roads that delay or endanger our commute? Who wants a painful bone break, that slows us down every day, in every way?

Our subdivision recently installed speed cushions, to either slow down or discourage cut-through traffic. We in our neighborhood will hopefully be safer, as will our mailboxes that have been repeatedly knocked-down like bowling pins by careless or speeding drivers. We hope that drivers are frustrated by obstacles that jolt their car shocks and instead choose to take a nearby smooth road less traveled. Patient souls who drive our neighborhood will slow down and arrive a minute or less later to their destinations.
Mom & Dad cautiously cross over rocky (or scrambled) ground
Mom's birthday month = i love you month

Obstacles can force us to think about alternatives, if we stop to smell the roses. Facing obstacles together is grounding. Two are better than one, because two heads thinking about alternatives should bring a fuller perspective of ideas (The BibleEcclesiastes 4:9-12 provides richer detail). The other person is there to steady and encourage, which helps us to patiently wait out or deal with scrambled ground. 

For Superbowl weekend kicks and scrambles, (because Bill Murray really is funny, even though he plays super frustrating egocentric Phil), The i love you Project recommends the couples-gotta-re-watch-it-together-movie: Groundhog Day.

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